Well, let me tell you my story, because it’s a doozie! The rest of you cats out there are going to have a hard time believing this, but I swear by my whiskers it’s all true. Watch out for travelling cages.
I was in my own house, all full of humans, dogs, and lots of activity, when suddenly one night I was scooped up and stuffed into a travelling cage. I wasn’t too scared, but I had no idea what was to come. I was in that cage for an eternity! It went in and out of moving things, some on land, some seemed to go up and up! Some were light and had people, but none of them let me out. Some of the places were dark and cold and noisy, and I meowed and meowed, but no one let me out.
Eventually, I heard voices and saw people I think I recognized, and I thought they, at least, would let me out, but no – into yet another moving vehicle, driving through the night.
Finally! we got to a house I’d never been to before, and they put down my travelling cage and opened the door! Free at last, but where? I was in a house with a nice wooden floor, some soft chairs, a mat with food and water dishes, and a litter box. First things first!
The people got themselves a drink and sat in the soft chairs, but I jumped the barrier across the doorway and went exploring. What an amazing house! No dogs! No noisy people! The TV black and lifeless! Plenty of places to jump up, I soon discovered.
Now, a week later, there is no barrier, except a door that is always closed and I don’t know what’s beyond, except the people, every night. The food and water dishes are in the kitchen, the litter box is now downstairs, and I can go nearly wherever I want.
These people are kind and gentle. They feed me lots, saying I’m too thin, and play with me sometimes. They bought me a set of 3 plastic balls to chase, but those balls are chicken and soon hide under the furniture. The people drag them out, but they just roll to their hiding spots again. They bought me a “wiggle ball” that goes by itself and drags a dead mouse behind it. I sometimes chase the mouse a bit, because the people seem to like me to, but what challenge is there to catching a dead mouse?
What they really need is a stupid black dog.
I really miss the people I used to live with, especially the one with the long hair, whose room I spent so much time in. I hope one day they’ll come here, because I sure don’t want to do that awful journey again. But I hate to think of them cooped up in a travelling cage for so long, so maybe I’ll just have to make do with this new family.
That’s it from me for now. I’ll add more if anything else interesting happens.
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